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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Job hunting sucks!

So, still job hunting. I feel like i have put out 1,000 resumes and applications but no bites yet. Everyone keeps telling me that the perfect job is out there just waiting for me to find it. I feel like it should be, the perfect employee is right here just waiting for someone to respond. I do have a couple of interviews this week, maybe I will get lucky.

I am still with Etsy but not having much luck there. I have sold a couple of items, but seem to be selling more from eBay the Etsy. I really wish it was the other way around. I have found a lot of things I like on Etsy though, you should really check it out. I have a blurb at the bottom of my page that shows my favorites and it is updated on a regular basis. Every time I see something I like, I mark it and then it shows up on my blog. Now, if only I was working so that I could afford to buy some of the things that I have found.

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