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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Job Hunting update

So, yeah, it still sucks. I have gotten a couple of interviews though and a few more coming up. I swear, if something doesn't happen soon, I don't know what I will do.

I went to a "hiring call" today at a place called McMenamins Grand Lodge.

It was kind of interesting and sounded real promising. I actually had 2 interviews there, one right after the other. I am supposed to hear back by the end of the week.

I also had one at Red Robin, where my nephew just started working.

I should be hearing back from them this week for a second interview.

Meanwhile, I am still working on my Etsy shop, trying to get it going. I need to get some new things in there but can't do that until I get a job.

Everyone wish me luck.

EtsyBuy HandmadeMeemaMagic

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