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Mention my blog in a message in my SilkFair shop along with the code BTY10% and recieve 10% off of your purchase.

Friday, May 9, 2008


Well, I have a good news/bad news thing going on.!

GOOD news, I fianlly got a job and it was the one I really wanted at McMenamins Grand Lodge! Yeah me. I was so excited when she called today that I forgot all of the important questions. You know the ones, "How much will I get paid?", "How often will I get paid?", those ones. Anyway, so I go for onrientation on Thursday, can't wait.

BAD news, I had to take all of my Gift Baskets off of Etsy. I'm not going to go into all of the details because I still like the site, I just think they need to stick to the original rules.

Anyway, if you are interested in a Gift Basket, you can comment my blog and I will get in touch.

And by the way, did I say I GOT A JOB! Yeah!

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Bummer about your Gift baskets. I hadn't seen them myself but can you think of another way round it? Gift Bags?